Heritage Services
Protecting Canning's heritage and history.
Heritage Strategy, Survey and List
The following key documents provide a framework to protect the City's important history and heritage.
Heritage Strategy
The Heritage Strategy provides a framework for the heritage management in the City. The City’s heritage is an important as it:
- contributes to the richness of the environment
- provides a link to the past, allowing us to understand the history of where we have come from
- provides a sense of place, identity, and belonging.
To ensure this is not lost, it is essential the City has a strong heritage management framework, which provides clarity on its commitment and approach to the conservation of its heritage. Read the City of Canning Heritage Strategy (PDF 3MB).
Local Heritage Survey (former Municipal Heritage Inventory)
Under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990, local governments compile and maintain inventories of places with cultural heritage significance, known as Local Heritage Surveys (LHS) (formerly Municipal Heritage Inventories (MHI)). The LHS record the places of heritage significance, provides information to the community, and informs decision making.
The City adopted its original MHI/LHS in August 1995 and did a comprehensive review in 2017 and June 2022. The LHS contains Place Record Forms for each place of heritage significance. Place Record Forms provide information on the places physical and historical significance, and recommendations on future management of the sites and buildings.
Read the 2022 Local Heritage Survey (PDF 32MB).
Heritage List
The City Heritage List was adopted by Council in June 2022. The Heritage List provides various levels of statutory protection for Management Category 1, 2 and 3 heritage places included in the Local Heritage Survey. If a place is included on the Heritage List, a development application must be submitted to the City prior to a building permit application or demolition application for any works to the heritage place.
The Heritage List is established under clause 8 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 Schedule 2 (Deemed Provisions).
View the 2022 Heritage List.
Historic Drive
If you'd like to go for a drive which takes in some of Canning's major historic landmarks, we have one mapped out for you. A hard copy map of the Historic Drive is available from all City of Canning libraries, our Administration Building and Woodloes Museum, or you can download the map (PDF 25MB). Historic drives incorporating other heritage locations in Canning are being planned.
We hope you enjoy the drive!

Visiting Woodloes
Built in 1871 on the banks of the Canning River, the heritage-listed Woodloes Homestead is the oldest building in Canning and one of the earliest designed homes in the Swan River Colony. Learn more about Woodloes' history.
The Homestead is opened by the Canning Districts Historical Society on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month (closed December, January and February). You can immerse yourself in memorabilia and Victorian times past. A reconstruction of the original Cannington Congregational Church (the Church with a Chimney) is also located within the grounds and the whole site is available for wedding ceremonies and similar functions.
Address: 39 Woodloes Street, Cannington WA
For more information, contact the Canning Districts Historical Society via woodloescdhs@gmail.com, 0427 780 490 or visit their Facebook Page.
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