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Committees of Council

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee is an advisory Committee established under Section 7.1A of the Local Government Act 1995 to provide advice to the Council on matters relevant to its Terms of Reference.


The Local Government Act 1995 requires that an audit and risk committee is to consist of a minimum of three (3) members. Where a committee consists of more than three (3) members then a majority of those members must be Council members. As a minimum, the City’s Audit and risk committee will consist of five (5) members which include up to two (2) independent external members. The current members are:

  • Mayor Patrick Hall
  • Deputy Mayor Mark Bain
  • Cr Steve Parkinson
  • Ms Elsie Lee

Terms of Reference

The Audit and Risk Committee is appointed to assist the City fulfill its governance and oversight responsibilities in relation to financial reporting, internal control structure, risk management systems, legislative compliance, ethical accountability and the internal and external audit functions.

The Terms of Reference is currently under review.


The Committee is a formally appointed committee of the Council. The Committee does not have executive powers or authority to implement actions in areas over which the CEO has legislative responsibility and does not have any delegated authority. Nor does the Committee have any management functions and cannot involve itself in management processes or procedures.


The Committee shall meet not less than three times a year. Additional meetings shall be convened at the discretion of the Chairperson or at the request of the CEO.

The Committee meetings shall be closed to the public, however Minutes of the meeting are published and available.


Reports and recommendations of the Committee are presented to the next available Ordinary Council Meeting.

CEO Performance and Salary Review Committee

The CEO Performance and Salary Review is a Committee of Council established under section 5.8 of the Local Government Act 1995. This Committee is formed to facilitate the annual performance and salary review of the City’s Chief Executive Officer.


In accordance with Council Policy, the Chief Executive Officer – Performance and Salary Review, the Committee will comprise the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and two Elected Members. Pursuant to section 5.12 (1) of the Local Government Act 1995, at the first meeting of the Committee, a Presiding Member is to be elected by the Committee members. Current appointed Members of this Committee are:

  • Mayor Patrick Hall
  • Deputy Mayor Mark Bain
  • Cr Ben Kunze
  • Cr Shen Sekhon

All Elected Members seeking appointment to the committee must undertake the relevant Chief Executive Officer Performance Review Training provided by the Western Australian Local government Association (WALGA) within six months of appointment.

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