Executive Team
The City of Canning’s Chief Executive Officer, along with the Executive Team and staff, is responsible for the provision of services and for implementing the decisions of Council.

Michael Littleton – Chief Executive Officer
The CEO is the link between the City and the Elected members of Council. Responsible for the strategic direction, provides organisation leadership, and oversees the following key service areas:
- Assurance
- Business and Economic Development
- Governance and Compliance
- Risk Management and Business Continuity
- Strategy and Advocacy

Lorraine Driscoll – Director Corporate and Commercial
Responsible the following key service areas:
- Commercial Services – Commercial Operations and Commercial Strategy
- Contracts, Procurement and Financial Services
- Information Services
- People and Performance
- Strategic Finance Services
- Work Health and Safety

Garry Fisher – Director Customer and Community
Responsible for the following key service areas:
- Community Development and Libraries
- Community Safety
- Recreation and Leisure Services
- Marketing and Communications
- Major City Events
- Customer Experience and Engagement

Warren Bow – Director Infrastructure and Environment
Responsible the following key service areas:
- Architecture and Landscape Architecture
- Asset Management, Facilities and Fleet Services
- City Greening, Conservation, Parks and Sustainability
- Engineering Operations and Services
- Strategic Waste, Waste Collections and Resource Recovery
- Whaleback Golf Course

Graeme Bride – Director Planning and Development
Responsible the following key service areas:
- Building Services Regulatory
- Compliance Services Regulatory
- Environmental Health Services Regulatory
- Major Projects
- Statutory Planning
- Strategic Planning
- Strategic Transport
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