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The City’s Request It and payment system will be unavailable between 7pm Friday 21 February and 3am Saturday 22 February.

The outage is to perform scheduled system maintenance. Some website pages and functions will also be unavailable during this time. If you need to contact us urgently, please call 1300 422 664.

Streaming Council Meetings

About Us
Council Business
Streaming Council Meetings

Our Council meetings are now video livestreamed.

Livestreaming council meetings

Under the announced Local Government Reform changes, it will be mandatory for large metropolitan local governments to video livestream their council meetings. In readiness, the City has commenced video livestreaming of Council Meetings.

Council meetings are livestreamed on YouTube.

Agendas and minutes

For more information about your Council and access agendas and minutes, visit the Agendas and Minutes page.

Council meeting dates

Visit the Council Meetings page to view the upcoming Council meeting dates.

Previous recordings

Disclaimer: Attendance at Briefings and Council Meetings does not provide any Elected Member, Staff or member of the public with Absolute Privilege. It does not protect individuals from defamation in relation to behaviour or statements made.

Opinions expressed, or statements made by persons during the course of Briefings or Council Meetings, and contained within the subsequent recording, are the opinions or statements of those individual persons, and are not opinions or statements of the City. The recording is not, and shall not be taken to be, a confirmed official record of the City of Canning Council, or of any meeting or discussion to which it relates, or may appear to relate.

By participating in open Council Meetings and Briefings, individuals consent to the use and disclosure of the information that they share at the Meeting or Briefing (including any personal or sensitive information given), for the purposes of the Council carrying out its functions. Individuals also consent to the disclosure of that information to any person(s) who access audio of City of Canning Council Meetings or Briefings.

The City of Canning prohibits any reproduction, distribution, republication and/or retransmission of the Council Meeting or Briefing audio without the prior written consent of the City.

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