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Owner and Occupier Roll

If you own a property in the city but do not live here or you operate a business in Canning, you may be eligible for enrolling on the owner/occupier roll.

To be eligible for this roll, a person must be:

  • Registered on the state electoral roll where they live, and
  • Either own or have a right of continuous occupation under a lease agreement or other legal instrument of a property within the City of Canning
  • The right of continuous occupation must extend for a period of at least three months.

Enrolment on the owner/occupier roll allows a person who is enrolled to vote at one address, and owns or occupies property at a different address, to vote in both areas.

Where two or more individuals jointly own or occupy a property, up to two of them may enroll, with the written agreement of a majority of the owners where there are three or more co-owners or occupiers.

Where a company or body corporate owns or occupies ratable land, up to two people can be enrolled to vote on its behalf. If the same company or body corporate owns more than one property in a ward, the body is still only entitled to have two nominated persons on the roll.

Occupiers and occupier nominees remain on the roll for a period of two elections after their enrolment is accepted and then are taken off the roll six months after the second election. They must then re-enrol if they wish to continue as electors. Owners of a rateable property remain on the roll until the property passes ownership.

The City encourages all business representatives and property owners to have their say by voting.

To check your enrolment status on the residents roll visit the Western Australian Electoral Commission. ​


For individuals applying in their own names either as owners or occupiers, please download, complete and return the:

Enrolment eligibility claim form – please submit the form via the City's Request It system.

For individuals being nominated by a corporate body as owner nominees or occupier nominees, please download, complete and return the:

Enrolment eligibility claim formplease submit the form via the City's Request It system.

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