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Kent Street Weir Precinct

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Kent Street Weir Precinct

The Kent Street Weir Precinct, situated on the banks of the Canning River (Djarlgarro Beeliar) is one of Canning’s most well-loved reserves.

The gateway to the Canning River Regional Park, the Kent Street Weir Precinct boasts a rich history, significant environmental value and strong cultural significance to the Whadjuk Noongar people, who would camp on its shores and rely on it as a source of food, water and resources.

Now the reserve continues to be a place where people come together, play, enjoy the river and admire the natural beauty of the area.

An initial plan for the precinct’s redevelopment was first developed in 2013 after extensive community consultation. Following further consultation and updates, a masterplan for the reserve was endorsed in 2015.

The implementation of the Precinct Plan will ensure that the reserve remains a favourite destination for local families for generations to come.

Shelter Replacement

A new shelter and picnic setting will be installed in replacement of the removed shelter north of the drop-off loop that was removed due to vandalism and its age and condition. 

Kent Street Precinct Plan Stage 4 - Dog Exercise Area and Wetland Buffer construction

As part of the staged delivery of the Council endorsed Kent Street Weir Precinct plan, the City has progressed the detail design and scheduled the construction delivery of the Dog Exercise Area & Wetland Buffer (Stage 4).

Wetland Buffer

The City is working with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions to create an extension of the Wilson Wetland Buffer. This expansion aims to decrease pollutants and disturbances to the wetland, ultimately enhancing the area's biodiversity.

New conservation fencing and large areas of native plating will be created, with over 21,000 native plants to be installed in the area.

The buffer will help protect the wetland and add to the important ecological reserve that is the Canning River Regional Park.

To learn more, please download the FAQs (PDF 360KB).

Off-Leash Dog Exercise Area

Stage 4 will also involve building a re-aligned 5,500m2 securely fenced off-leash dog exercise area, complete with new amenities like shelters, seating, a sand pit, a drinking fountain, and lighting.

There will also be air lock gates, a pathway and tree planting for future shade provision.

To learn more, please download the FAQs (PDF 360KB).

Kent Street Precinct Plan Stage 5

The City is now working on the detailed design for Stage 5 of the Kent Street Weir Precinct plan.

Stage 5 includes building a district-level playground, a playground for younger children, connecting pathways, shelters, Canning River Canoe Club storage facility and various parkland infrastructure integrated with existing site infrastructure and pathways.

An important part of these works will be working to celebrate the sites Whadjuk Noongar culture throughout the parkland. This package of design work is anticipated to be completed in 2025 with construction set to take place in 2025.

Kent Street Weir Pump Track

The new pump track was finished in September 2022. It's designed to suit riders of all levels, from beginners to experts. There are also jump lines for those seeking a challenge. Common Ground, a top track builder in Australia, constructed the track.

They're experienced BMX and mountain bike riders themselves, so they rode the track as they built it, making sure it flows well and offers the best riding experience with its jumps and lines.

Noongar Cultural Heritage Management Plan (NCHMP)

A Noongar Cultural Heritage Management Plan has been developed for the Kent Street Weir Precinct plan area, which recognises the sites importance for Whadjuk Noongar people.

Consultation with Whadjuk Noongar representatives was undertaken to structure and develop the NCHMP around the direction and advice of the Traditional Owners, and to allow for Indigenous led management recommendations and suggestions for future use of the Precinct to align with the aims and objectives of the Plan (City of Canning 2020).

The City has since developed a Working Group – Djarlgarro Weir Group, consisting of Whadjuk Noongar traditional owner representatives to guide the City with cultural heritage and site development matters and move forward the Kent Street Weir Precinct Plan.

Community Engagement Update

The City completed community engagement for this project in January 2021. For more information, download the Summary Report (PDF 1.2MB) or visit the Your Say website.

The City is now undertaking an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the site to further recognise the sites Aboriginal cultural heritage and inform the final detailed design works.

  • 2024 Detail Design

    Detail design work on the district level play space and associated infrastructure.

  • 2024 Upgrade

    Upgrade to Dog Exercise Area and Wetland Buffer expansion.

  • 2023 Working Group Formed

    Kent Street Weir Whadjuk Noongar working group formed.

  • 2023 Plan Developed

    Noongar Cultural Management Heritage Plan developed.

  • 2022 Works Completed

    KSW Pump Track upgrade completed.

  • 2022 Sewer works

    Sewer system upgrade.

  • 2020 Endorsement

    Updated Kent Street Weir Precinct Plan endorsed by Council.

  • 2020 Official Opening

    DBCA interpretation node.

  • 2020 Works Completed

    New shelters, pathway and barbeques.

  • 2018 Works Completed

    Weir and bridge upgrade.

  • 2017 Works Completed

    Dipping deck and turf upgrade.

  • 2015 Endorsement

    Kent Street Weir Local Area Management Plan endorsed.

  • 2015 Consultation

    Further community and stakeholder engagement and comments.

  • 2014 Masterplan

    Further review and development of the Masterplan following community and stakeholder comment.

  • 2012 Community Consultation

    Consultation for masterplan completed.

  • 2011 Masterplan

    Kent Street Weir masterplan development begins.

Clockwise: DBCA Interpretive node (River Journeys), Kent Street Weir, and the upgraded Pump Track.
Clockwise: DBCA Interpretive node (River Journeys), Kent Street Weir, and the upgraded Pump Track.

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