Community Infrastructure Strategy

What is Community Infrastructure?
Community infrastructure includes the building and spaces that provide opportunities to support individuals, families and groups to meet their social needs and provide places to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
The City of Canning's Community Infrastructure Strategy aligns with the Strategic Community Plan (SCP) 2021-2031 and guides the City's planning and delivery of community infrastructure.
Together with the Asset Management Framework, the CIS provides a robust decision-making tool for prioritising community infrastructure investment.
The scope of the full document suite includes one overarching Community Infrastructure Strategy (CIS) and 14 CIS Types:
Aquatic Facilities
Community Halls and Centres
Indoor Sports and Recreation Centres
Active Sports Facilities and Reserves
Youth Centres
Action Sports Infrastructure
Scouts and Guides Facilities
Men's Shed
Sports Lighting
Creative Arts
Seniors Centres
Athletics Infrastructure
Strategic direction
The Community Infrastructure Strategy (CIS) informs the City’s decision-making regarding current and future community infrastructure.
It is a guiding document for decision-makers, asset and service managers, developers, and users of our community assets. The strategic directions set by the CIS guide the necessary provision of community infrastructure to meet the needs of current and future communities within the City of Canning.
The Strategic direction flowchart (featured below) outlines how the CIS integrates and aligns with the City’s existing plans and strategies.

Project Prioritisation (Multi-Criteria Analysis)
The costs of delivering and maintaining community infrastructure are significant and resources are limited. This means that projects and work programs need to be prioritised based on research and their contribution to CIS outcomes.
A Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) tool has been developed that measures community infrastructure priorities against standard criteria to rank and compare options. It provides relative rankings that are agile, transparent and defensible. Scoring differs according to the stage the project is in (project development, investment selection or project delivery).
Using the MCA enables informed decision-making, guiding the City’s investment into projects and work programs that provide the strongest alignment with principles and deliver the most community benefit.
You can view the full MCA assessment criteria below:
Current Priorities
Here are our current top three project priorities:

Wyong Reserve Sports Facilities Upgrade
The proposed upgrade to Wyong Reserve involves the development of a new changeroom facility and the renewal of a second facility that will serve as a clubroom space for Bentley Cricket Club, Canning South Perth Football Club (Australian football) and Royals Sporting Club (softball). The proposed new facilities will align with modern standards and provide the facility’s users with the best possible conditions to attract and accommodate increased diversity, participation, membership and to improve sustainability.

Ranford Sports Lighting Upgrade
The City has been proactively upgrading sports lighting across its active reserves for a number of years and Ranford Reserve is the current priority. Improved sports lighting allows clubs to utilise public open space more safely and for longer periods of time, while maximising their use of reserves and rotating high traffic areas more effectively. Ranford Reserve is currently used for soccer, cricket and athletics.

Canning Vale Sports Complex – Stage 1A
Development and delivery of a regional-level sports complex in Canning Vale will service the long-term sport and recreational needs for the City of Canning and surrounding LGAs where current infrastructure is unlikely to meet future demand based on population growth forecasts. The current project scope includes AFL fields, turf cricket pitches, soccer fields, athletics track, cricket wickets and nets, club rooms, change rooms, storage, sports lighting, new roundabout access, new rural path access, and a carpark.
You can view the full list of project priorities below. Please take note of whether the project has been assessed as project development, investment selection, or project delivery. This document is updated at the start of each month.
Propose a Project
The MCA not only empowers the City to guide projects and work programs but also enables residents to propose projects that may be beneficial to the community.
To ensure transparency, the City facilitates this process through an initial submission form which leads to detailed discussions with City Officers. These detailed discussions allow the City to evaluate and prioritise proposed projects using the MCA framework, and to assess and compare with CIS outcomes.
If you have a project related to any of the Community Infrastructure types mentioned above, please fill out the submission form below:
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