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Learning City Strategy 2020-2024

About Us
Strategies and Plans
Learning City Strategy 2020-2024

The City of Canning's Enriching Your World – Learning City Strategy 2020-2024 (PDF 1.5MB) seeks to create lifelong learning opportunities for all and empower the community to reach its full potential.

The strategy supports the City's vision to "adapt to change with resilience, grasp opportunities with ingenuity, and respond to challenges with courage and innovation".

Through the strategy, we will work collaboratively to facilitate access to learning initiatives for community members, and foster social harmony through inclusion, connection and celebration of our diversity.

A key principle of a learning city is the firm belief that communities who learn and grow are better able to innovate and respond to challenges.



Canning's first Learning City Strategy (PDF 250KB) was adopted in 2016. Since that time the City has invested in a range of learning opportunities for all members of the community.

In 2016, the City of Canning started its journey to become the first learning City in Western Australia in by developing the City's first Learning City Strategy. This involved setting a direction for the City's library and community development services, seeking to grow as a dynamic learning city.

In September 2022, the City became the first city in WA and fourth city in Australia to be part of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities initiative. This initiative aims to facilitate lifelong learning by enhancing individual empowerment and social inclusion, economic development and cultural prosperity, and sustainable development.

The City is one of 292 cities in 76 countries to join the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities in recognition of their outstanding efforts to make lifelong learning a reality for all at the local level.

Some of Canning's Learning City achievements so far include:

  • opening of the Hillview Intercultural Community Centre
  • transformation of the City's Riverton and Willetton libraries
  • growth programs for young people
  • developing a suite of business mentoring and business development training
  • Canning's first Reconciliation Action Plan implemented
  • increase in volunteering opportunities and support
  • partnering with over 50 other agencies
  • strengthened relationships with Canning's multicultural community and launch of Cultural Ambassadors program.

The Enriching Your World – Learning City Strategy 2020-2024 (PDF 1.5MB) is guided by national and international best practice. It closely aligns to UNESCO Learning Cities, UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Welcoming City Network. It also aligns to the City's own Strategic Community Plan and other key strategies and plans to provide a holistic view of community development in Canning.

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