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Supplier Register

Supplier Register

Welcome to the City of Canning Supplier Registration page.

As part of our commitment to supporting local businesses, we have implemented changes to our procurement policy. We are now prioritising "buying local" for lower value quotes whenever possible, considering the local and immediate regional economy.

We invite you to register your business on the City of Canning Supplier Register. By listing your services and contact details on our website, you will make it easier for our staff to connect with you during the procurement process.

Please note that registering does not guarantee preferred supplier status. However, it allows our City officers quick access to suppliers who have expressed interest in working with us.

To register your interest for forthcoming quotations, please fill out the Registration of Interest Form below.

Supplier Registration of Interest form

Does your business operate from a suburb with the City of Canning? To view City of Canning boundaries, visit the Maps page (link at the bottom of this page).
Is your business classed as a ‘Small Business’? * A supplier is considered a small business if it either employs fewer than 100 persons (excluding casual employees, unless they are employed on a regular and systemic basis), OR had an annual turnover during the previous income year of less than $10,000,000.
Is your business an Aboriginal Business as defined under the Local Government Act 1995? * The Local Government Act 1995 defines an Aboriginal Business as a registered on the WA Aboriginal Business Directory as a published by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia or registered with the Australian Minority Supplier Office Limited (T/A Supply Nation).
Do you make significant purchases from other businesses within the City of Canning? *
By checking this box, you are confirming the information contained in the above is true and correct and agreeing to being added to the City’s supplier register.

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