Grandparent Carers
Grandcarers are grandparents who provide care for their grandchildren, usually on a fulltime and unpaid basis. Their love and dedication knows no bounds.
Support for Grandcarers
Wanslea Grandcare Services
Wanslea is a not-for-profit, community service agency providing support to Grandparent Carers in WA, through the Grandcare program. Wanslea Grandcare provides confidential support, information and advice to Grandparents that provide informal, full-time care to their grandchildren.
To discuss your eligibility for Wanslea Grandcare services, including support groups and the Grandcarers Support Scheme annual payment, please contact them on 1800 794 909 or visit the Wanslea website.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (GRGWA)
GRGWA is a safe space for grandparent carers to meet, access support, socialise with people who understand and gain information. We advocate for grandparent carers on a state and federal level to improve their lives – and the lives of those in their care.
To learn more, visit the GRGWA website.
iDare Dream
iDareDream offers grandchildren being raised by their grandparents, opportunities to participate in the same activities and programs most other children enjoy.
Visit the iDare Dream website to learn more.

National Carers Week
Every October for National Carers Week we recognise and celebrate the Australians who provide care and support to a family member or friend.
Carers are people who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental health condition, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue, or who are frail aged. Anyone can become a carer, at any time.
National Carers Week is an opportunity to raise community awareness among all Australians about the diversity of carers and their caring roles.
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