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Young People Fly High Grant

The Young People Fly High Grant is open all year.

The Young People Fly High Grant assists residents who have been selected to represent Western Australia or Australia in their chosen field of endeavour. This may include sports, arts, or academic pursuits.

Grants support costs towards uniforms, travel and accommodation expenses.

The grant is open all year round to young people under the age of 25 and residing in the City of Canning. Applications must be submitted prior to attendance.

The funding allocations are:

  • Attendance within WA (excluding Perth Metropolitan Area) – $100 (excluding GST)
  • Attendance Interstate – $300 (excluding GST)
  • Attendance Overseas – $500 (excluding GST)

Applicants may apply for one application per financial year if selected to represent Western Australia, and one application per financial year if selected to represent Australia.

Applications received in July and August may be assessed following approval of the budget by Council.

Eligible activities

Sport – Competitions where the applicant has clearly been selected through a competitive selection process by a peak body (for example a State or National Sporting Organisation).

Recreation, Arts and Academic achievement – Competitions and short-stay activities where there is a competitive selection process to participate in the activity.

The following activities are not eligible for support:

  • Competitions where teams and/or individuals ‘opt in’ or pay an entry fee to secure inclusion rather than compete for selection to participate.
  • School/community tours, ‘friendly’ matches and sports team tours (where there is no selection of placement by peak body).
  • Work and education placements, excursions and exchanges.
  • Applications submitted after the event has occurred.
  • Team applications (eligible individuals on a team must each apply).
  • Costs already covered by other grants.
  • Costs not incurred by the applicant (e.g. travel and accommodation costs for other family members to attend the event).

For more information, please read the Community Grant Program Guidelines (see page 11 and 12)

How to apply

Applications must be submitted prior to attendance.

Required attachments

  • Selection letter from a peak association or body, confirming the applicant has been selected through a competitive selection process to represent either Western Australia or Australia.
  • Evidence of residential address (e.g. a utility bill, rates notice, drivers licence in the name of parent/guardian)
  • Proof of bank account details (e.g. screenshot, letter, bank statement) showing:
    • Bank logo
    • Account holder name
    • BSB number
    • Account number

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