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We’re committed to listening to the concerns of our community. Ongoing community consultation continues to identify CCTV as a priority within our community.

What is the City’s Current CCTV Status?

The City recognises the many different types and applications of CCTV, and utilises a combination of both fixed and mobile systems to ensure the most appropriate application and optimal system coverage.

The City has a network of over 400 fixed CCTV cameras, owns two mobile CCTV units, and has a series of leased mobile units to prevent damage to City assets and assist in deterring and detecting crime and antisocial behaviour.

Did you know in 2024 there were 51,000+ hours of Mobile CCTV deployment throughout the district, reflecting a 104% increase from the previous year?

We’re committed to listening to the concerns of our community. Ongoing community consultation continues to identify CCTV as a priority within our community, as identified via:

A woman and her daughter accepting a brochure about the security incentive scheme

What about private CCTV systems?

As part of the City’s commitment to encouraging residents to improve their own security, the annual Security Incentive Scheme provides rebates to encourage residents to install home security items, including CCTV. The Scheme offers rebates up to the value of $200 ($300 for concession holders).

To date, the City has subsidised the installation of over $1 million worth of security items installed by the community, with one quarter of rebates issued to support the installation of private CCTV systems.

A Ranger standing next to the mobile CCTV

CCTV Strategy

As part of our ongoing commitment to community safety, the CCTV Strategy (PDF 18MB) aims to:

  • Provide a framework for the effective management of the City’s CCTV systems in accordance with legislative requirements.
  • Provide the framework and criteria for the strategic planning, development, upgrade and expansion of the City’s CCTV systems.
  • Provide guidance for the preparation of CCTV budgets in the short, medium and longer term, in line with the City’s Long Term Financial Plan.
  • Ensure the financial sustainability of the City’s CCTV systems and projects, seeking further external funding where possible.
  • Support, encourage and promote the installation/upgrade of private CCTV systems.

  • Guide the upgrade of existing City CCTV systems to meet the minimum specifications and standards detailed in the Strategy.
  • Guide the integration of existing City CCTV systems to allow remote access by Authorised staff.
  • Improve the City’s CCTV coverage by expanding to strategic locations across the district, until optimal coverage is achieved.
  • To work collaboratively with stakeholders to improve the City’s CCTV coverage in local precincts.
  • Read the 2024 CCTV Strategy (PDF 18MB)

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