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Contact Us

Contact Us

City Administration Centre

Phone: 1300 422 664

Address: 1317 Albany Highway, Cannington, Western Australia, 6107

Opening hours: 8.15am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Postal address: Locked Bag 80, Welshpool, Western Australia, 6986

Ranger and Community Safety Services

Phone: 1300 422 664

Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

In an emergency, please contact Police first.

Contact our other services.

Issues and requests

When submitting an issue or request, it is sent directly to the relevant area.

Urgent issues – if you are reporting a hazardous, safety, or vehicle obstruction issue please call 1300 422 664.

For all other issues and requests, please visit the Issues and Request page.

The Australian national interpreted symbol on a blue background

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Contact our services



Bill Cole Function Centre (08) 9231 0610
Canning River Eco Education Centre (08) 9461 7160
Cannington Leisureplex (08) 6350 7300
Cannington Leisureplex Function Centre (08) 9231 0610
Cannington Library (08) 6350 7350
Hillview Intercultural Community Centre (08) 9461 7186
Riverton Leisureplex (08) 9231 0900
Riverton Library (08) 9231 0944
Willetton Library (08) 9229 9540

Overseas callers

If you are overseas, please phone +61 8 9231 0606.

Looking for the City's email address?

The best way to get in touch with us is by using our online Request-It system. Your request is sent directly to the relevant area, which ensures your request is actioned in a timely manner and allows you to track the progress. If the options available don't match your enquiry, please use the general enquiries form.

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