Need help with City of Canning information? Here are some useful tools and resources.
Translate our website
Free online services are available to translate websites into many other languages.
If your computer or browser is already set to another language, you can translate our web pages by clicking on the translate icon:
- Google Chrome: Change Chrome languages and translate webpages
- Microsoft Edge: Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser
- Mozilla Firefox: How to add translate feature to Firefox
To translate web pages, text and documents without changing language settings you can use:
Automatic translation may not be accurate. These tools should be used as a guide only.
Call us using a free interpreting service
The free Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) can help you talk to us in your own language.
Call 131 450.
After the recorded English introduction, you’ll need to say the language you need. After you have requested your language, the operator will search for an available interpreter. Please stay on the line even if there is no hold music. If an interpreter in your language is available, the operator will connect you. Ask the interpreter to put your call through to the City of Canning on 1300 422 664. The interpreter will stay on the call with you.
If no interpreter is available in your language, the operator will ask you to call back soon.
TIS National provides immediate telephone interpreting services, as well as booked telephone and on-site interpreting.
Translated resources
The Community Safety Handbook has useful tips to improve home security and personal safety. It includes important information and contact details for relevant services and police, including the City's 24-hour Ranger and Community Safety Service.
We’ve put together a handy guide to help you with sorting your waste into the correct bins.
- Arabic – كيف تقوم بفرز نفاياتك
- Bahasa Indonesian – Cara memilah sampah Anda
- Bengali – কিভাাবে আপনাার বর্জ্যয বাাছাাই করবেন
- Hindi – अपने कचरे को कै से छाँट
- Italian – Come differenziare i rifiuti
- Korean – 쓰레기 분류 방법
- Malayalam – നിങ്ങളുടെ മാലിന്യങ്ങൾ എങ്ങനെ തരംതിരിക്
- Nepali – तपााईंकोो फोोहोोर कसरीी क्रमबद्ध गर्नेे
- Punjabi – ਆਪਣੇ ਕੂ ੜੇ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਛਾਂਟਿਆ ਜਾਵ
- Simplified Chinese – 如何分类垃圾
- Sinhalese – ඔබේ කසළ වර්ග කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
- Tagalog – Paano paghihiwa-hiwalayin ang iyong basura
- Tamil – உங்கள் கழிிவுகளைை எவ்வாாறு வகைை ப்படுத்துவது
- Traditional Chinese – 如何分類垃圾
- Turkish – Atıklarınızı nasıl ayırabilirsiniz?
- Urdu – اپنے کوڑے کرکٹ کی چھانٹی کیسے کی جائے
- Vietnamese – Cách phân loại rác thải của quý vị
Women's Wellness Sessions
Hillview Intercultural Community Centre
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