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Focus Group update

We held the fourth and final Agreement focus group session on Thursday 14 March 2024. The focus group is designed to help provide an employee voice to the Executive Team as we negotiate a new Agreement.

  1. Minutes of the fourth Agreement focus group session
  2. PowerPoint that the focus group used throughout the session

Members of the focus group considered topics based on their views and those of their colleagues and endeavoured to ‘walk in the shoes’ of the Executive Team.

The first discussion was a follow-up on the topic of Compassionate Leave and discussed the data that had been requested by the focus group.

We discussed Personal/Carer's leave and provided a comprehensive list of information and comparisons for Canning and other local governments. We evaluated the existing entitlement with other large local governments. We then worked out some options for the entitlement and what the Executive Team would need to think about as they consider the options presented.

The next topic of discussion was Salary/Wage, across Canning and other local governments. We captured the percentage increases from 2022 to the proposed increases in 2026. We then discussed considerations for the Executive Team when deciding on wage movements and proposed a perspective on what the percentage increase should look like.

You can view the comparison entitlements and the proposed wage increases for the other large local governments:

  1. Personal/Carer’s Leave
  2. Salary/Wage Increase

Each participant in the focus group meeting was provided with ten dots to allocate their votes on the “Big Ticket Items” to express their opinions of what matters most. All options were voted on except salary.

View the Group Dot Voting score total (you can also download a ZIP folder of all dot votes).

The work of the focus groups has concluded. The work of the members of the focus group will be integral to moving forward with the commencement of our negotiations with the unions.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the People & Culture team or a member of the employee focus group.

We held the third Agreement focus group session on Thursday 29 February 2024. The focus group is designed to help provide an employee voice to the Executive Team as we negotiate a new Agreement.

  1. minutes of the third Agreement focus group session
  2. powerpoint that the focus group used throughout the session

Members of the focus group considered topics based on their views and those of their colleagues and endeavoured to ‘walk in the shoes’ of the Executive Team.

We initially had a discussion around parental leave data that had been requested by the focus group.

We then moved on to discuss some key topics that City employees raised during initial feedback sessions in October 2023. For this session, we focussed on superannuation, compassionate leave and workplace flexibility. We compared each existing entitlement with other large local governments.  We then worked out some options for each entitlement and what the Executive Team would need to think about as they consider the options presented.

You can view the comparison entitlements for the other large local governments on the below links:

Group Work Notes can be viewed here – notes 1 and notes 2.

We ran out of time to look at personal/carer’s leave but will delve into this detail, along with salary considerations, at the next employee focus group meeting on Thursday 14 March 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the People & Culture team or a member of the employee focus group.

We held the second Agreement focus group session on Thursday 15 February 2024. The focus group is designed to help provide an employee voice to the Executive Team as we negotiate a new Agreement. View the:

Members of the focus group considered topics based on their views and those of their colleagues and endeavoured to ‘walk in the shoes’ of the Executive Team.

We initially talked through some housekeeping primarily being the use of the Agreement website. We then had a discussion around some employee turnover data that had been requested by the focus group.

We then moved on to discuss some key topics that City employees raised during initial feedback sessions in October 2023.

The first of these was annual leave. To help the discussion, we compared a list of conditions provided by other large local governments. We then worked out some options for annual leave and what the Executive Team would need to think about as they consider this idea.

We then did the same for paid parental leave:

Group Work Notes can be viewed here – notes 1notes 2notes 3notes 4 and notes 5.

We also took the opportunity to introduce the next key topic, superannuation, which we will delve into in detail at the next employee focus group meeting on Thursday 29 February 2024.

We held the first Agreement focus group session on Thursday 1 February 2024. The focus group is designed to help provide an employee voice to the Executive Team as we negotiate a new Agreement. View the:

Members of the focus group considered topics based on their views and those of their colleagues. The group were also challenged to ‘walk in the shoes’ of the Executive Team.

We worked through the following activities:

  • Setting ground rules for how the group will work together
  • Understanding the political, economic, and social environment we would be negotiating in. View the feedback that the focus group brainstormed:

We then discussed the availability of public service holidays or end-of-year leave, which was a topic that City employees raised during initial feedback sessions in October 2023 (see group notes 1 and group notes 2). To help the discussion, we compared a list of conditions provided by other large local governments. We then worked out some options for public service holidays or end of year leave and what the Executive Team would need to think about as they consider this idea, which you can download to view.

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