Bin tagging program promotes positive recycling behaviour
The City of Canning is helping to educate residents on how to correctly sort their waste and support positive recycling behaviours with their next round of bin tagging commencing on 5 February.
Bin tagging focuses on educating residents to put the right thing in the right bin, resulting in less waste being sent to landfill.
The eight-week program will include on approximately 2200 homes in Canning in 11 zones across East Cannington, Shelley, Riverton, Parkwood, Canning Vale, Bentley, St James, Queens Park, Wilson, Lynwood and Willetton.
Each fortnight waste education officers will look inside kerbside bins, in the selected areas, and will provide feedback in the form of a tag, to help residents make sure they are using the bins correctly.
Tags will display a happy or sad face and detail more information about the use of the bins and what can be improved.
City of Canning Mayor Patrick Hall said educating residents on how to recycle correctly helps to support sustainability, the environment and increase resource recovery.
"During the last round of bin tagging, which concluded in December, we saw an increase in the amount of recycling bins without contamination and the overall severity of the contamination decrease as well.
"The most common mistakes found in the City’s recycling bins were soft plastics, unrinsed containers and lids on bottles,” Mayor Hall said.
Residents can make further improvements by remembering that only five materials belong in the recycling bin: paper, cardboard, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles and containers, and aluminium and steel cans. All items must be rinsed, placed loose in the bin with the lids off.
For an A-Z recycling guide, visit the Recycle Right website or download their app. To receive a recycling sticker for the lid of your recycling bin, please email City of Canning at
This project is supported by the Government of Western Australia and administered by the Waste Authority. The WA Local Government Association manages the WasteSorted Bin Tagging Program and works with Local Governments to deliver the project outcomes.
For more information, please go to the Recycling page.
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