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City of Canning 2023 election results

City of Canning 2023 election results
23 October 2023
The result of the Ordinary Election conducted as a postal vote on Saturday, 21 October 2023 is as follows:

District Mayor 
Candidates First Preferences Final Vote Votes Expiry of Term
NG, Paul 5,896 7,779  
HALL, Patrick 6,770 8,409 16 October 2027
CLAYTON, Peter 1,557 Excluded  
JACOBS, Jesse 3,045 Excluded  
BARRY, Graham 1,288 Excluded  
Total Formal Votes 18,556    
Total Informal Ballot Papers  160    

Patrick Vincent HALL is elected as Mayor for the City of Canning and will hold office until 16 October 2027.
Notice is further given that the following person Paul NG is the second placed candidate and the following
person Jesse JACOBS is the third placed candidate for the purposes of Schedule 4.1A of the Local
Government Act 1995.

Bannister Ward
Candidates First Preferences Final Vote Votes Expiry of Term
KUNZE, Ben 2,880 2,880 16 October 2027
ALDRIDGE, Richard 1,050 1,050  
Total Formal Votes 3,930    
Total Informal Ballot Papers  14    

Benjamin Paul KUNZE is elected as Councillor for the Bannister Ward and will hold office until 16 October

Notice is further given that the following person Richard ALDRIDGE is the second placed candidate for the
purposes of Schedule 4.1A of the Local Government Act 1995.

Beeliar Ward
Candidates First Preferences Final Votes Expiry of Term
SEKHON, Shen 2,140 2,140 16 October 2027
SARKER, Shouv 1,488 1,488  
Total Formal Votes 3,628    
Total Informal Ballot Papers  38    

Shenjeet Kaur GILL-SEKHON is elected as Councillor for the Beeliar Ward and will hold office until 16
October 2027.

Notice is further given that the following person Shouv SARKER is the second placed candidate for the
purposes of Schedule 4.1A of the Local Government Act 1995.

Beeloo Ward
Candidates First Preferences Final Vote Votes Expiry of Term
PAGE, Joanne 655 1,289 18 October 2025
GODARA, Vinod 367 Excluded  
DYMOCK, Deanne 630 151  
VASILE, Sara 576 Excluded  
BOND, Richard 328 Excluded  
BAIN, Mark 873 1,368 16 October 2027
WALKEMEYER, Luke 430 Excluded  
Total Formal Votes 3,859    
Total Informal Ballot Papers  41    

Mark John BAIN is elected as Councillor for the Beeloo Ward and will hold office until 16 October 2027.
Joanne Sue PAGE is elected as Councillor for the Beeloo Ward and will hold office until 18 October 2025.
Notice is further given that the following person Deanne DYMOCK is the first unelected candidate and the
following person Sara VASILE is the second unelected candidate for the purposes of Schedule 4.1A of the
Local Government Act 1995.

Mason Ward
Candidates First Preferences Final Votes Votes Expiry of Term
HURN, Michelle 892 1,442 16 October 2027
BARRY, Graham 673 Excluded  
JACOBS, Jesse 881 1,271  
UPPAL, Gurdial 218 Excluded  
KUMAR, Shammi 164 Excluded  
WHITTRED, Trevor 678 Excluded  
Total Formal Votes 3,506    
Total Informal Ballot Papers  44    

Michelle Ruth HURN is elected as Councillor for the Mason Ward and will hold office until 16 October 2027.
Notice is further given that the following person Jesse JACOBS is the second placed candidate and the
following person Trevor WHITTRED is the third placed candidate for the purposes of Schedule 4.1A of the
Local Government Act 1995.

Nicholson Ward
Candidates  First Preferences Final Vote Votes Expiry of Term
JOHN, Rav 1,165 1,165  
RODRIGUEZ, Ivonne 1,748 1,748 16 October 2027
HENDERSON, Bruce 563 563  
Total Formal Votes 3,476    
Total Informal Ballot Papers  17    

Ivonne Astrid RODRIGUEZ JUNCO is elected as Councillor for the Nicholson Ward and will hold office until
16 October 2027.
Notice is further given that the following person Rav JOHN is the second placed candidate and the following
person Bruce HENDERSON is the third placed candidate for the purposes of Schedule 4.1A of the Local
Government Act 1995.

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