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NAIDOC Week celebrations to keep the fire burning

NAIDOC Week celebrations to keep the fire burning
18 June 2024

The City of Canning will keep the fire burning this NAIDOC Week, celebrating the rich and diverse cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through a range of activities and events from 7 to 14 July.

This years NAIDOC Week theme honours the enduring strength and vitality of the First Nations culture, with fire a symbol of connection to Country, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

To celebrate, the City is engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to deliver a range of free events and activites including Indigenous Sneakers Design Labs, perfect for kids aged 13 to 17 years and 6 to 12 years and adult Noongar language and cultural classes.

The Beananing Kwuurt Institute will deliver a community painting session, Paint the Country, at Canning River Eco Education Centre, and the City will also be supporting the Langford Aboriginal Association’s annual NAIDOC Community Lunch.

Throughout the week the City will be hosting the third annual NAIDOC Art Exhibition, which will be on display from Saturday 6 July to Sunday 14 July at Riverton Library.

The Exhibition is free for the community to enjoy and will be celebrated with a morning tea on Tuesday 9 July from 10 to 11am and everyone is welcome to attend.

Mayor Patrick Hall said NAIDOC Week provides an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories.

“NAIDOC Week provides us all with an opportunity to participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.

“During NAIDOC Week the City will recognise the history, culture and achievements of the Whadjuk Noongar, Noongar and wider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Canning through a range of events.

“These events and activities will allow members of the community to support and get to know their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

“I would like to encourage Canning residents to come along and help celebrate Canning’s rich cultural diversity,” Mayor Hall said.

For more information on NAIDOC Week events within the City, please visit the Reconciliation page.

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