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The City’s Request It and payment system will be unavailable between 7pm Friday 21 February and 3am Saturday 22 February.

The outage is to perform scheduled system maintenance. Some website pages and functions will also be unavailable during this time. If you need to contact us urgently, please call 1300 422 664.

Riverton Park Dog Exercise Area Trial

Riverton Park Dog Exercise Area Trial
27 June 2024

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 19 September 2023, Council resolved to engage with the community, clubs and community groups in accordance with the Dog Act 1976 to determine support to change the oval and surrounds from off-leash to on-leash, while retaining the north-west corner of the park (between Barber Place and Laurel Close) as a dog off-leash area.

The trial will commence on 24 July 2024, as under the Dog Act 1976 the City is required to provide at least 28 days’ notice of intention to make any changes to dog exercise areas. The trial will run until 31 March 2025.

The Riverton Park playing field and its surrounds will be trialled as an on-leash dog exercise area, while the area in the north-west corner of the park, which lies between Laurel Close and Barber Place will remain as an off-leash dog exercise area. As indicate on the map.

The trial is in response to concerns which include dogs digging holes in the playing surface, which can result in ankle injuries for players, owners not cleaning up after their dogs and unsupervised dogs running into the playground areas and sports games.

The City is seeking comment from residents and park users during the first three months of the trial.

To provide your feedback please use one of the options below and complete by 16 October 2024.

  • By visiting Your Say Canning
  • or by calling 1300 422 664 to discuss with the Parks and Environment team

The community feedback will form a recommendation to Council to determine if the oval and its surrounds should continue to be an on-leash dog exercise area after the trial.

Please note – owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs.

A map showing the Riverton Park Dog Exercise Trial area. The orange box shows the proposed on-leash trial area, where dogs must remain on-leash during trial. The yellow box shows the off-leash area, where dogs continue to be allowed to be exercised off-leash.
A map showing the Riverton Park Dog Exercise Trial area. The orange box shows the proposed on-leash trial area, where dogs must remain on-leash during trial. The yellow box shows the off-leash area, where dogs continue to be allowed to be exercised off-leash.

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