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Upload your event to the calendar

Recreation and Community
Upload your event to the calendar

The Community Events Calendar is for the display of non-profitable, community events that take place within the City of Canning area.

Before submitting your event, please read the terms and conditions to find out if your event is suitable for the calendar. To submit your event to the calendar, complete the below form. Your event will be assessed within five working days, and you will be advised if your event has been uploaded to the calendar or is not suitable.

This event calendar is provided as a service to residents and visitors to promote community events taking place within the City of Canning. The information is submitted directly by the listed host; unless the listing is for a Council-run event. The City takes no responsibility for the accuracy of information nor does it endorse the events. The community run events calendar does not constitute an exhaustive list of all local community events taking place in The City of Canning area.

Submit event details

Your Contact Details

Your contact details will not be published on the website.


Event Details
Is The Event Free? *
Booking Details

Only complete this section if booking is required, otherwise leave blank. If the booking contact details are the same as 'Your Contact Details' above, then please leave this blank.


Is a Booking Required? *
Event Contact Details

This information will be published on the website.


Any Other Details

Please provide any other information that may have not been captured above.



Once you click the submit button you will be sent an email with the details you have submitted, and with the contact details at The City of Canning, should you need to amend your event in any way.

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