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The City’s Request It and payment system will be unavailable between 7pm Friday 21 February and 3am Saturday 22 February.

The outage is to perform scheduled system maintenance. Some website pages and functions will also be unavailable during this time. If you need to contact us urgently, please call 1300 422 664.

Welcome Project

Connect with your community. Share your story.

Welcome to your Canning Libraries – places of welcome and hubs for building local networks and disseminating local information and knowledge.

Two people helping each other

Welcome Points

Visit your nearest Canning Libraries to find community information, events and support to access resources in English and other community languages:

A group of woman displaying their embroidery

Community Displays

Share your stories, celebrations and community group work:

  • Book the display cabinet by emailing library.services@canning.wa.gov.au
  • #MoreToCelebrate, the City is proud to celebrate alongside our friends and neighbours throughout the year. Share stories and learn more about our community celebrations.
People being toured around the library

Library Tours

Are you a community leader? Invite your friends, family and neighbours, then join your friendly library staff in leading a tour of your local library.

You will be the host of this welcoming event. Find access to a world of resources and share a cup of tea or coffee together.

Contact us for more information.

A woman having fun exploring books at the library

Community Languages Book Swap

Following community interest, the City has launched the Hillview Community Languages Book Swap, where books in languages other than English can be donated and exchanged.

  • Take a book and return when you are finished.
  • Donations welcome.
  • Please donate books in languages other than English.
A mother and daughter sitting together on a couch

Faces of Canning

Members of our community representing their language group and sharing a friendly smile with our multilingual neighbours at Canning Libraries.

Canning is home to one of Australia's most culturally and linguistically diverse populations, with over 70 languages spoken by our community. We are celebrating, sharing and displaying our welcoming diversity.

Contact us for more information.

A staff member holding 2 welcome badges

Staff Welcome Badges

Your friendly Canning staff and volunteers are proudly wearing badges which say "Welcome" in the languages they are learning, grew up with or speak at home.

Say 欢迎 | स्वागत | Bienvenue | اهلا بكم | Wanju and more at your Canning Libraries today!

Your community. Your Canning Libraries.

Hey Neighbour.

Thank you for choosing to be part of our welcoming and thriving City!

The City of Canning has an ancient and rich cultural heritage. The City acknowledges and embraces the strong and enduring connection of the Whadjuk Noongar people to the land and waterways within Canning, in particular the Djarlgaroo Beelier (Canning River).

The City includes the suburbs of Bentley (part), Canning Vale (part), CanningtonEast CanningtonFerndaleLeeming (part), LynwoodParkwoodQueens ParkRivertonRossmoyneShelleySt James (part), Welshpool (part), Willetton and Wilson.

Canning is home to one of Australia's most culturally and linguistically diverse populations, with 74 languages spoken by our community.

We invite further collaboration and feedback on community celebrations, awareness days, events, displays, translations and any required edits.

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