Building Services
Building Services control the construction, occupation and demolition of buildings and incidental structures through the issuing of permits.
Our team of building surveyors are available to assist you with information on the following:
- Building Permits
- Occupancy Permits
- Demolition Permits
- Building Approval Certificates
- Energy efficiency information
- Fences, carports, pergolas, extensions, outbuildings.
- Retaining walls
- Signage
- Strata titles
- Building standard forms
- Building Plans (archive search).
Applications and information for the above can be downloaded from the Building Commissions website or at the bottom of this page.
Our team is available on 1300 422 664 between 8.15am – 5pm every weekday and can provide up-to-date information on a wide range of building matters. You can also contact our team online.
Archival Search for Building Records
Building records held by the City are available to the owner of any property in the City of Canning. These records consist of any approved building plans and documents (e.g. site, floor, elevation and structural details) for the property in question. If you require copies of Planning approvals (not Building), please visit the Planning Services page.
To apply for an Archival Search for Building Records, please complete an online enquiry.
The City will make every effort to obtain copies of the building records within 20 working days, however if plans are not available or are not legible the cost of the Archiving Search will not be refunded. Please refer to the Building Fees Schedule for a list of our current fees for this service. All fees are due before the search is carried out, we will notify you of how to make payment once your application has been lodged.
Online Lodgement
The City provides an online lodgement system for Building and Planning applications. For further information and to register for this service, please see Application Lodgement and Tracking page.
Application Fees
Download the Building Fees Schedule for a full list of application fees.
Verge Permit Application
Visit the Verge Permit page to find out how to lodge your verge storage application as part of your building works.
Application forms
The following building and demolition applications are available to lodge online:
- Pre-Assessment for Future Building Permit
- BA1 Certified Building Permit (all building classes)
- BA2 Uncertified Building (class 1 and 10 only)
- BA5 Demolition Permit
- BA13 Building Approval Certificate
- BA13 Building Approval Certificate – Unauthorised Spa
- BA22 Extend Time – Building or Demolition Permit
- BA23 Extension of Building Approval Certificate
- Landowner's Legal Authorisation Form (PDF 200KB)
The following application is to seek approval to construct a crossover:
See the Crossovers page for more information.
The following occupancy applications are available to lodge online:
- BA9 Occupancy Permit (class 2 to 9 only)
- BA23 Extension of Occupancy Permit
The following application is to seek approval to to use a verge during building or development works:
See the Verge Permits page for more information.
The following other applications are available to lodge online:
- Making Applications (BIS-01)
- FAQs (BIS-02)
- Work where a building permit is not required (BIS-03)
- Dwellings and Alterations (BIS-04)
- Patios (BIS-05)
- Sheds and Outbuildings (BIS-06)
- Front Fences (BIS-07)
- Pools, Spas and Isolation Fences (BIS-08)
- Pergolas and Shade Sails (BIS-09)
- Retaining Walls (BIS-10)
- Demolitions (BIS-11)
- Retrospective Approval (BIS-12)
- Smoke Alarms (BIS-14)
- Dividing Fences (BIS-15)
- Hazards – Asbestos (BIS-16)
- Permanent Signs (BIS-17)
- Prescribed Fees (BIS-18)
- Online Lodgement (BIS-19)
- Demolition of Duplex Dwellings (BIS-20)
- Demolition Inspection Fees (BIS-21)
- Habitable Room Conversion (BIS-22)
- Carport (BIS-24)
- Ancillary Dwelling (BIS-25)
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