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The City’s Request It and payment system will be unavailable between 7pm Friday 21 February and 3am Saturday 22 February.

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Sustainable Construction Materials

Plan and Build
Roads and Verges
Sustainable Construction Materials

The City of Canning is committed to sustainability and using innovative solutions for new road materials.

The City has been using recycled construction and demolition products extensively in road construction projects for more than a decade. Benefits in using the recycled materials include:

  • recycled product gains considerable strength with curing over time, and can be much stronger than conventional base materials
  • significant cost savings compared with traditional materials
  • savings in transportation costs and associated greenhouse gas emissions
  • diversion of materials from landfill
  • use of materials that do not require extraction from the environment.

For more information on the use of recycled construction and demolition products, please read our information sheets and frequently asked questions:

The City of Canning is at the forefront of using recycled road base materials in the construction of our new roads. In fact, the City helped the industry develop in Western Australia more than a decade ago.

The materials were first used in 2011 for road pavements in sections of Welshpool Road. The City have been using it for most road projects ever since.

Unique to many local and state government organisations, the City uses recycled road base for both the sub-base layer and the top base-course layer of road pavements.

A few significant projects include:

  • Welshpool Road dual carriageway
  • Sevenoaks Street dual carriageway
  • Southern Link Road project (behind Carousel Shopping Centre)
  • Centenary Avenue widening project.

In recent years, the City has partnered with Boral to trial their more sustainable 'Innovo' road mix. Learn more:

Using recyclable materials in road construction has been proven to reduce costs.

For the Centenary Avenue widening project, the City was able to reuse cut-off material from previous projects. This resulted in a reduction bitumen content and a significant cost saving.

The City's resurfacing and road stabilisation programs have used:

  • more than 1,000 tonne of profilings
  • approximately 2,500 tonne of left over cut-offs.

The City re-purposes these materials for new road construction, carparks, and footpath foundations.

The savings in haulage and disposal fees would amount to approximately $70,000 every year.

The City is also saving money by re-using materials instead of purchasing new sub-base, base-course materials, or recycled concrete. This equals approximately $50,000-$100,000 a year (depending what is constructed).

In 2019, the City of Canning took the reuse and re-purposing of recycled materials in road construction to a new level. This involves the use of:

  • Recycled concrete for the footpath
  • Asphalt containing RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement); crumbed rubber and polymers (recycled soft plastics) 
  • Recycled crushed glass as drainage aggregate
  • Recycled screened sand for garden bed soil mix
  • Re-purposed PVC pipe for subsoil drainage
  • Recycled concrete, brick and tile for use as a road-base
  • Recycled plastic bollards
  • Recycled screened stone for drainage aggregate
  • Ecoaid chambers for stormwater harvesting. 

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