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Riverton Leisureplex now has one of only two state-of-the-art pool access systems in WA.

Designed for our mobility impaired community members, the Poolpod provides universal pool access.

Poolpods were created as a pool platform lift for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games. It enables people to enter safely and with dignity by providing both aided and independent access.

The Poolpod gives users the choice of using the submersible wheelchair or standing while being lowered to a comfortable water depth.

Features include:

  • remote operation for assisted pool access
  • automatic locking gate
  • specially designed wheelchair to fit on the secure platform
  • maximum capacity of 250kg
  • powered by rechargeable batteries.
A woman using the poolpod

This initiative is an action from our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan. The plan aims to improve access to the City’s facilities and services, share public spaces, and events. Doing so will create a community where everyone feels a sense of belonging.

How much does it cost to use the Poolpod?

The Poolpod is free to use with any entry to Riverton Leisureplex

How do you use the Poolpod?

Speak to our friendly staff at reception, who will organise a lifeguard or staff member to help you with the Poolpod. The Poolpod will eventually be self-operating.

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