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The City’s Request It and payment system will be unavailable between 7pm Friday 21 February and 3am Saturday 22 February.

The outage is to perform scheduled system maintenance. Some website pages and functions will also be unavailable during this time. If you need to contact us urgently, please call 1300 422 664.

Books on Wheels

Our Books on Wheels service delivers library materials to the City of Canning's housebound community members.

A housebound person is defined by one or more of the following criteria:

  • a person who requires ongoing support from another person
  • a person who requires the use of support aids such as crutches, a walker or a wheelchair in order to leave the home
  • a person whose doctor has certified that leaving the home may cause deterioration in health and or a medical episode
  • leaving the home is difficult and you typically do not leave your home to readily access the community.

City of Canning Library staff will conduct an interview with you to determine your eligibility for Books on Wheels services.

As part of the eligibility process you will be asked to become a Library Member. Books on Wheels are delivered by volunteers on a monthly basis to an agreed drop off location at your place of residence. The safety of our volunteers is very important and delivery details will be discussed with you as part of the eligibility process. A reading profile will be developed to identify your reading preferences.

What suburbs does Books on Wheels deliver to?

Our Books on Wheels service is only available to customers living in the City of Canning. Areas include:

  • Bentley*
  • Canning Vale*
  • Cannington
  • East Cannington
  • Ferndale
  • Leeming*
  • Lynwood
  • Parkwood
  • Queens Park
  • Riverton
  • Rossmoyne
  • Shelley
  • St James*
  • Welshpool*
  • Willetton
  • Wilson

* indicates suburb partially located within the City.

What can be borrowed?

Books on Wheels deliver:

  • fiction books
  • non-fiction books
  • large print books
  • books in languages other than English
  • audiobooks on CD or MP3
  • DVDs
  • magazines.

How often are deliveries made?

Deliveries are made monthly. Items borrowed the previous month will be replaced with a new selection.

What if I cannot be home for every delivery?

If you have an appointment and are unable to be home when a delivery is due, please phone 1300 422 664 to cancel your delivery or make alternate arrangements (if operationally possible) for your Books on Wheels delivery.

Is there a charge?

There is no charge for Books on Wheels deliveries. As a Library Member there is an expectation that you will take every care to ensure that the materials you borrow are not damaged or lost.

How do I join?

Please complete the Books on Wheels – Canning Libraries Borrower Application form email it to library.services@canning.wa.gov.au.

Please phone 1300 422 664 to speak with the Books on Wheels Officer regarding your eligibility.

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