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The City’s Request It and payment system will be unavailable between 7pm Friday 21 February and 3am Saturday 22 February.

The outage is to perform scheduled system maintenance. Some website pages and functions will also be unavailable during this time. If you need to contact us urgently, please call 1300 422 664.

Our Built Environment

Our built environment is where we spend most of our time and consequently, has high energy requirements. It is crucial that we transition to more efficient, renewable energy sources and a more circular economy to reduce emissions and achieve a more sustainable lifestyle.


Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy is essential in responding to the climate emergency.
Learn more


Active travel such as walking, cycling, scooting and taking public transport are healthy and environmentally friendly ways to get around.
Learn more

Built Form

Addressing the design, construction, maintenance and operation of buildings and other infrastructure will play a key part in responding to the climate emergency.
Learn more


Pollution is the primary cause of the climate emergency. Within Canning:

  • 72% of climate pollution is a result of electricity consumption
  • 14% is a result of transport
  • 7% is a result of gas consumption.

Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy is essential in responding to the climate emergency.

Climate Ready Canning

Our 10-year vision to create a thriving, sustainable and climate resilient future in Canning. The Vision commits the City to:

  • supporting our community to reduce their emissions
  • building resilience
  • implementing sustainability and climate actions

Carbon Off

The City is working with Carbon Positive Australia to encourage staff to offset personal vehicle or household greenhouse gas emissions through regular payroll deductions, as part of the City’s #Carbonoff Program.

Snapshot Community Climate Tool

Developed by Beyond Zero Emissions and Ironbark Sustainability, the Snapshot Community Climate tool provides greenhouse gas emissions profiles for local government areas. View the City of Canning's emissions snapshot.

Cities Power Partnership (CPP)

The City of Canning is a member of the Cities Power Partnership, which celebrates and accelerates the emissions reduction and clean energy successes of Australian towns and cities. Canning is one of the founding members of the partnership. Participating councils make pledges to limit their local climate impact - to view the City’s pledges, please visit the Cities Power Partnership website.

Low Emissions Fleet

To reduce dependence on fossil fuels, the City is implementing fuel efficiency initiatives, including

  • utilisation of Electric Vehicles, petrol/electric hybrid vehicles and electric bikes within the corporate fleet
  • looking for opportunities to downsize light fleet
  • replacement of petrol driven equipment with electric alternatives
  • investigating the purchase of electric garbage trucks

Renewable Energy

Solar PV systems are installed on key City facilities. Using renewable energy decreases our operational carbon footprint and saves money on electricity bills. 

Geothermal Bores

Geothermal bores are installed at Cannington and Riverton Leisureplex. Heated water is extracted from an aquifer 1km below the ground before a heat exchange system heats the pool water and air. The heated water from the aquifer is then returned underground in its original state to recharge the aquifer, with only a small volume of water lost through evaporation. Use of the geothermal bores for heating means we have been able to reduce our gas consumption, along with associated carbon emissions.

Energy Efficiency

Opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of City facilities are continually assessed, including: 

  • LED lighting conversions within City facilities and carpark lighting.
  • ​LED conversion of sports floodlighting at sports reserves.
  • Liaison with Western Power to progress the conversion of streetlighting to LED.
  • operational changes at facilities to reduce energy consumption
  • energy audits of high energy consuming sites.
  • smart metering to more closely assess energy consumption at high energy consuming sites.
  • development of the City’s Roadmap to Net Zero, focusing on further options for energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Sustainable Energy Project

The Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) Sustainable Energy Project is a contract for renewable energy supply that was negotiated for WA Local Governments by WALGA. The City has committed to a phased renewables uptake through this contract for high electricity consuming sites as follows:

  • 50% renewable energy at year one.
  • 75% renewable energy in year two.
  • 100% renewable energy in year three of the Contract.


As population growth continues, pollution caused by transport is predicted to rise. Replacing petrol, diesel and gas powered vehicles with electric vehicles will reduce climate pollution, as well as air and noise pollution.

Active travel such as walking, cycling, scooting and taking public transport are healthy and environmentally friendly ways to get around. Did you know that 15% of car trips are less than 1km (a 10 minute walk), 42% of car trips are less than 3km (a 10 minute bike ride) and 78% car trips are less than 10km (often to centres serviced by public transport)?

There are many benefits to active travel, including:

  • avoiding traffic and parking hassles
  • exercising and reducing stress
  • spending time with family and friends
  • saving money
  • setting a good example for your children.

You can avoid congestion while helping to reduce it. The more trips we switch to walking, riding or public transport, the more we will ease congestion on our roads and contribute to a healthier, happier, more active community.

Built Form

Built form is the physical description of buildings and the properties they are built on. The building sector contributes to 20% of climate pollution in Australia, with most of this attributed to fossil fuel consumption.

Population growth is expected to continue and along with it, further development. Addressing the design, construction, maintenance and operation of buildings and other infrastructure will play a key part in responding to the climate emergency.

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